Mark: True Greatness for Everyone

Life Group Questions

  1. Share a time when you had to sacrifice to “win.” When you had to give up something significant to accomplish your end goal? Why is this contradictory to how we like to think?

  2. Is there anything in particular that stood out to you from this passage?

  3. For Paul, what did God’s mission involve (Rom. 15:23-29; 1 Cor. 9:24-27; Heb. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 4:17)? Where have you come to realize that God’s plan is different from your dreams? What will/does it look like for you to be intentional about chasing God’s plans rather than your dreams?

  4. What are some opportunities God has given you to serve? (situations/relationships, etc.)? What is the mission God has for you as a believer, and how does it involve being a “servant” (to God and others?)