Jesus in Mark: The Passion of the Christ, part 3

Life Group Questions

  1. Is there anything in particular that challenged you from this passage?

  2. Why is understanding the humanity of Jesus so important as we talk about the passion and the crucifixion?

  3. On Sunday, we talked about 2 ways to consider weakness - to be broken over our weakness, but then to not stay there and fixate on it. Why are these both important and what does Jesus’ challenge to the tired disciples in vs. 38 tell us? (Jeremiah 17:5; 2 Corinthians 12:10;
    1 Corinthians 1:27ff)

  4. How does Jesus’ prayer in the garden teach us about how we interact with God as we face suffering?

  5. How does seeing Jesus’ faithfulness, in the face of the disciples’ weakness and failures, give us courage and strength to continue to pursue discipleship day to day?