Psalms Series: Psalm 63

Life Group Questions

1. Take some time to read through Rom. 6:4-6, Gal. 5:24; 6:14; Col. 2:11-14; Rom. 6:8,13; 8:2. Ep. 2:4, 5. Col. 2:13; 3:3,4. What are some ways the Gospel alters our identity, and how does this turn our desire towards God?

2. How can God “Satisfy” us? What are some other things that can be a temptation for us to seek after for satisfaction/fulfillment?

3. How does “victory” sometimes look different from God’s perspective/in God’s king-dom than in our perspective and this world’s perspective? How does this encourage us to seek our victory in God?

4. Is there anything in particular that stood out to you from this passage?